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Título del libro: Cities, Capitalism And The Politics Of Sensibilities
Título del capítulo: Cities, covid-19 and sensibilities: A kaleidoscope of experiences

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:


Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

COVID-19; Fear; Mutual aid practices; Other; Pandemic city; Proximity; Silence; The indispensable


This final chapter is a three-part device that seeks to allow the reader to capture some fragments of the sensibilities of cities in the COVID-19 pandemic. It is an irregular look, diverse across each of the three elements, which reflects the feelings of those who have looked through these three mirrors, constituting them. It is a playful ending: the reader can start and end with any of its parts and also borrow its metaphorical force from the kaleidoscope to reach unknown terrain by known means. They are reflections open to dialogue and multiple endings, to multiple images, to multiple observations. It is a chapter where beauty will be a matter for the reader, since it will be his or her eye that validates, denies or rewrites the policies of the sensibilities of the cities today. The chapter has three sections that operate as three "chapters". We have decided to claim authorship of each section separately, for having had the experience in different cities, for being impacted by dissimilar practices of being in the city, and for valuing how the collective does not eliminate the personal, hence the selection of the title of the chapter as a whole. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021. All rights reserved.

Entidades citadas de la UNAM: