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Título del libro: Laboratory Animals: Regulations And Recommendations For The Care And Use Of Animals In Research
Título del capítulo: Laboratory Animal Legislation in Latin America

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Associations; Ethical review process; Guidelines; Latin America; Legislation


Laboratory Animal Science in Latin America is a young universe, and although having scientists and institutions of excellence it is not easy to come to a common end when legal trends are discussed. It is difficult to harmonize procedures with such a large number of countries and diverse backgrounds. Many countries do not even consider to discuss a specific law concerning research animals, others apply a general Animal Protection Law where one or two articles apply to experimental animals, and only three of them (Brazil, Mexico, and Uruguay) have a specific Law on the care and use of Laboratory Animals. However, some countries in Central America and also Colombia have initiated strong steps on this matter. On the other hand, there is a great evolution in place changing this panorama mainly due to the implementation of ethical review committees in academic and other research institutions. In addition, regional and national laboratory animal associations are growing and playing a paramount role in helping with the drafting of law projects to be sent to the respective legislative houses. Latin America knows that if it wants to be part of, and harmonized with, the international laboratory animal science community, it has to follow international policies and guidelines having the Three Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement) as principles, and to achieve it, it has to keep on working hard. © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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