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Título del libro: The Weariness Of Democracy: Confronting The Failure Of Liberal Democracy
Título del capítulo: Latin American Democracy in the Twenty-First Century: Between Crisis and Alternatives

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Seeking to analyze the crisis plaguing the liberal representative model in Latin America, in this chapter, López Castellanos looks at the liberal model?s insistence on reducing democracy to the ballot box. This participatory charade creates a passive citizenry, which ensures that the task of politics remains in the hands of economic and political specialists who remain uninterested in conceding power to the people. This marginalization has resulted in extreme social and cultural inequality that has excluded many groups from the right to work, education, and health care. As an alternative, López Castellanos offers the model of participatory democracy in countries such as Cuba and Venezuela, as well as the social experiment of Zapatismo in Mexico. These levels of participation not only encourage confidence in the democratic state but encourage full inclusion in social, political, and cultural institutions. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

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