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Título del libro: International Encyclopedia Of Human Geography, Second Edition
Título del capítulo: Informal Sector

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Casual jobs; Developing countries; Development; Dualistic interpretations; Globalization; Illegal activities; Informal employment; Informal sector; Informal sector definitions; Labor market; Poverty; Structuralist perspectives; Urban activities


The informal sector as a concept emerged in the 1970s and refers to a multiple and meaningful reality for productive units and workers who are outside of regulated economic activities and protected labor relations. The informal sector has become very important not only because of its expansion in many countries but also because this expansion has brought about new manifestations that are increasingly recognized as ways to promote growth and reduce poverty. Informal economic activities are apparent within both developed and developing countries and have been examined through a range of different theoretical frameworks: dualistic, structural, legal, and voluntary. As the global economy has been restructured, permanent, full-time work has been replaced by nonconventional contract work or by informal jobs, and the neoliberal era has dramatically reduced worker benefits like pensions or healthcare. The informal sector is important as a source of employment and for the production of goods and services. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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