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Título del libro: Necropower In North America: The Legal Spatialization Of Disposability And Lucrative Death
Título del capítulo: The management of death in North America: From the necropolitical governmentalization of the state to the rule of law necropower

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:


Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Biopower; Capital accumulation; Disposability; Governmentalization of the state; The rule of law


The section develops the notions of the rule of law necropower and necropolitical governmentalization of the state as the specific forms of necropower in North America. Drawing from Achille Mbembe's and Michel Foucault's governmentality, the researcher claims that in third world countries like Mexico, state power intertwines with criminal organizations. Criminal-state merging results in institutions and policy for the administration of death, which in turn leads to the reproduction of illegal capital accumulation-the necropolitical governmentalization of the state. Also, building on competing interpretations of necropower in the first world, the author argues that the United States and Canada enforce their sovereign power of killing not above or below the law but through it. North American first world countries use legal frameworks to accumulate capital through activities that produce death in specific geographies and spaces along the lines of nationality, ethnicity, race, class, and gender. The chapter calls this rule of law necropower. The common ground in both types of necropower is lucrative death. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021.

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