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Título del libro: Disasters And Neoliberalism: Different Expressions Of Social Vulnerability
Título del capítulo: Social vulnerability: Learnings from the September 19, 2017, earthquake in Mexico City

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:


Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Neoliberal city; Right to the city; Social vulnerability; Urban reconstruction


This article aims to analyze the social vulnerability present in Mexico City following the disaster caused by the earthquake of September 19, 2017. The first consideration was to build upon existing research endeavors from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) regarding geophysical factors that caused the disasters in the built environment of the Basin of Mexico, mainly regarding the link between high-risk seismic events (i.e., the acceleration of seismic waves, prolongation, and amplification). Those studies required for social vulnerability research in urban settlements that exist along subsidence zones, fractures, faults, and areas where land displacements have taken place, many of them authorized by municipalities. The social vulnerability present in Mexico City concerning seismic activity is linked to lax neoliberal urbanization policies within high-risk old and new urban zones. The aftermath of the 2017 Mexico City earthquake provides a learning opportunity regarding the importance of prioritizing disaster prevention and mitigation given indiscriminate urbanization, as this elevates the risks of disaster in a complex zone such as the ancient lake basin, faults presence that has a large concentration of inhabitants. The State plays a crucial role in preventing and mitigating the impact of natural disasters by implementing emergency management policies for risk reduction. The former linkages merit a permanent investigation upon the latent danger of seismicity in Mexico. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

Entidades citadas de la UNAM: