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Título del libro: Lake Alchichica Limnology: The Uniqueness Of A Tropical Maar Lake
Título del capítulo: Conservation Actions

Autores UNAM:
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Palabras clave:

Biodiversity; Impacts; LTER; Vulnerability microendemism


Numerous studies have recognized the uniqueness of Lake Alchichica and its biodiversity. These have led to conservation actions that are integrative. The geographical location of the lake increases its vulnerability to effects of human disturbance in synergy with climate change. A total of 11 endemic aquatic species have been described in the lake since 1941. The rate of discovery suggests that many more species will be added as more sampling efforts take place. The two vertebrates have the NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 and the IUCN Red List of threatened species protection status. Microendemism is explained by the lake?s nature: saline, in high altitude and in an endorheic basin where the challenging dispersal barriers expose the unique species to risk of extinction. Among the activities that threaten the biological diversity is the radical water quality change and depletion of both surface and groundwater resulting in complex environmental problems. Lake Alchichica is a Long-Term Ecological Research monitoring site since 1998 in five thematic areas. Samples have been collected for 22 years allowing to document the diversity change in time and space and help define the best conservation strategies. Lake Alchichica and three lakes in the lake region were declared ?Lagos de Tepeyahualco and Guadalupe Victoria? State Park Protected Natural Area in 2018. The technical support the lake?s attributes, aquatic and terrestrial life and existing archaeological and cultural assets. The lake?s biodiversity is central to the lives of local communities? economy as are diverse ecosystem services including food and water, materials (wood, vegetation), tourism, inspiration, swimming, diving, boating, hiking, birdwatching, and blue carbon storage capacity. Major impacts include litter, sewage, introduction of exotic species, extraction of biota, threats related to climate change, extraction and exploitation many of which have not been determined. Conservation measures are pending due to the lack of a Management Program and prevents the fulfillment of conservation. Assessing both impacts and ecosystem services will help understand the cost of its loss in case conservation does not occur. This chapter invites for action to create an open access database and to engage with the local communities and stakeholders to promote education and the commitment to preserve the lake?s integrity and biota by the locals. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022.

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