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Título del libro: Regional Voices In The Geopolitics Of Mexico And Central America, 1959-2019
Título del capítulo: Geopolitics, migration and humanitarian crisis in relations between the United States, Mexico and Central America in the 21st century

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Año de publicación:

Raúl Benítez Manaut, a specialist in international economy and politics, discusses new crises of the early part of the new century which have strained relations between Central American countries, particularly those belonging to the Northern Triangle, and their great North American neighbors: Mexico and the United States. The chapter explains how the articulation of various factors?terrorism, drug trade, Mara violence, and the populist, xenophobic discourse of US president Donald Trump, among others?transformed views of migration. Finally, it takes a detailed look at the case of El Salvador, as an example of the contradictions between economic growth in these countries and their inability or unwillingness to invest in areas that may have a positive impact on income for the least favored economic sectors. © 2023 selection and editorial matter, Mónica Toussaint and Guillermo Fernández Ampié; individual chapters, the contributors.

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