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Título del libro: Innovations In Environmental Biotechnology
Título del capítulo: Influence of the Electrical Stimulation Using IrO2-Ta2O5|Ti and RuO2-Ta2O5|Ti Anodes in the Edaphological Properties for the Germination and Growth of Zea mays L

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Palabras clave:

Electrofarming; Maize; Metal oxide electrodes


This chapter explains the use of manufactured Ti-based electrodes IrO2-Ta2O5|Ti (70:30) and RuO2-Ta2O5|Ti (30:70), generating a coat of the desired metal oxides by electrophoresis to test the electrofarming technology on seed germination and growth of maize plants in Vertisol pelic. Experiments were conducted to compare the effectivity of electrode materials on seed germination and maize plants? growth rate by applying an electric field using a 2D array with five anodes around a Ti cathode. RuO2-Ta2O5|Ti (30:70) or IrO2-Ta2O5|Ti (70:30) anodes were prepared by electrodeposition at a constant current density of 14 mA cm-2 20 min at continuous stirring. Soil characteristics before and after the electrofarming tests were carried out to evaluate the electric field application, which show that RuO2-Ta2O5|Ti (30:70) used in electrofarming technology favored seed germination rate and maize plant growth compared to IrO2-Ta2O5|Ti (70:30) electrodes generating a homogeneous growth in the treated maize plants, as well as an increment of the number of leaves. They might be caused by an amelioration of the soil properties when subjected to electrofarming treatment. Finally, the use of RuO2-Ta2O5|Ti (30:70) electrodes in electrofarming promotes seed germination rate and growth rate of maize plants compared to IrO2-Ta2O5|Ti (70:30) electrodes generating a homogeneous plant growth in the treated maize plants, as well as an increase in the appearance of leaves in turn with the control soil. In this way, the edaphological properties have been positively affected when undergoing electrofarming treatment. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022.

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