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Título del libro: Optimization Of Drug Prescribing In Elderly
Título del capítulo: Useful of the pharmacokinetic studies as a base for the establishment of therapeutic schedules

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Pharmacokinetic knowledge sets the principles and the bases for designing or modifying either the loading or maintenance dose of a treatment scheme, and the interval of administration of the drug. The establishment of a rational dosification scheme should take into consideration essential aspects as biological and physiopathological characteristics of the patient, the therapeutic range established and the pharmacokinetic of the patient himself. However, it is practically impossible to know the pharmacokinetic of the patient. Therefore, in the face of this impossibility, the therapeutic decision should be based on the knowledge on literature reports on pharmacokinetic parameters carried out in patients with similar or likely biological and physiopathological characteristics as the patient under study. In the same way, all those biological, genetic, physiological, physiopathological and pharmacogenetic/pharmacogenomic factors that could modify the treatment response as well as the dosification scheme should be considered. It is important to point out that from the pharmacokinetic knowledge the following questions could be satisfactorily answered: 1. What data are necessary to be used in designing a treatment scheme? 2. What are the essential pharmacokinetic parameters to get the loading and maintenance doses? 3. What are the biological, physiological and/or physiopathological factors that odify the pharmacokinetic parameters and their meaning? The details of these concepts are described in this chapter. © 2016 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

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