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Título del libro: Cisci 2016 - Decima Quinta Conferencia Iberoamericana En Sistemas, Cibernetica E Informatica, Decimo Tercer Simposium Iberoamericano En Educacion, Cibernetica E Informatica, Sieci 2016 - Memorias
Título del capítulo: On the current status of methods and tools used in distance learning

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:

Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Cybernetics; Hypermedia systems; Adaptive hypermedia systems; Current status; Models of learning; Distance education


This article presents the results of an investigation about the current status of methods and tools used in distance learning. Provides the information and then it is briefly discussed. The results are structured from three approaches: a) according to the different models of learning styles, b) according to the efforts in the development of the Educational Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (EAHS) and c) according to the progress of Recommendation Systems (RS). © 2016, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, IIIS. All rights reserved.

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