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Título del libro: Old-Growth Forests And Coniferous Forests: Ecology, Habitat And Conservation
Título del capítulo: Geospatial technologies to support coniferous forests research and conservation efforts in Mexico

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In Mexico, coniferous forests are distributed along the country, occupying around 8 million hectares. This distribution has resulted in ecosystems with a large ecological and floristic diversity and a great spatial heterogeneity, which determines energy and matter fluxes and therefore ecosystem services. In order to obtain information that allows understanding and identifying the species spatial distributions, structure, and state, several spatial technologies have been developed, including remote sensing, geographic information systems, and numerous fieldwork instruments. In this chapter, we present an overview of methods based on such technologies that are useful for studying various aspects of theecology of coniferous forests. We present a few case studies to illustrate the application of some of these techniques for supporting research and conservation efforts in one of the most emblematic conservation areas in Central Mexico, which is dominated by coniferous forest species. We end this chapter by pointing out further avenues of research identified from our study cases. © 2015 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

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