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Título del libro: Encyclopedia Of Cell Biology: New Research (9 Volume Set)
Título del capítulo: THE FIRST 100 YEARS OF PHAGOCYTOSIS

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Phagocytosis is a fundamental biological process performed by cells of multiple organisms. In unicellular organisms, phagocytosis is mainly a feeding process. But in pluricellular organisms, almost all types of cells can perform phagocytosis at different levels. However, specialized cells called professional phagocytes can perform phagocytosis with high efficiency. These phagocytes ingest microbial pathogens, foreign toxic substances, and dying cells. Consequently, phagocytosis is required for tissue remodeling and defense of the organism. Yet, phagocytosis was not at first, recognized as an important part of the immune system. It was Ilya Metchnikoff (1845?1916) who described phagocytosis a little over 100 years ago. He defended it in his cellular theory against the scientists who considered that immunity was due only to humoral factors, such as antibodies. Metchnikoff is considered the father of modern cellular immunology and for this, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1908. He shared the prize with Paul Ehrlich, the discoverer of humoral immunity. The road to our present understanding of phagocytosis was a difficult one. It began against intense opposition, but eventually it got its rightful place in immunology. Today, phagocytosis importance to tissue homeostasis is generally accepted. In this chapter, I briefly describe the origins of phagocytosis and present relevant landmarks in the history of this fundamental process. © 2020 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

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