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Título del libro: Keynes, Sraffa, And The Criticism Of Neoclassical Theory: Essays In Honour Of Heinz Kurz
Título del capítulo: Prices distorted from labour values

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Introduction Three decades ago, Parys [11] argued that in order to know the percentage deviation of prices from labour values, we should compare the capital-labour ratios of vertically integrated subsystems evaluated in terms of equilibrium prices. This is mathematically correct, and moreover, this approach can be carried further to models with joint production as well as durable capital goods. Unfortunately, the analysis in Parys [11] is concerned only with equilibrium states, thus leaving market prices untouched. It is quite easy to develop his method to disequilibrium, to draw more propositions or laws, and to confirm the concept of labour values is basic to understand the working of capitalist systems, i.e., how prices are distorted away from values to conceal the secrets of capitalism. © 2011 selection and editorial matter, Neri Salvadori and Christian Gehrke; individual chapters, the contributors.

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