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Título del libro: Lexicografía Hispánica/the Routledge Handbook Of Spanish Lexicography
Título del capítulo: Tecnología informática para la confección de diccionarios

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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Computational lexicography; Corpus-based lexicography; Language technologies; Linguistic resources; Natural language processing


Computer tools and natural language processing techniques, such as stemming, part-of-speech tagging, and analysis of concordances, offer a series of advantages that guide lexicographers in the design and preparation of dictionaries. We first present the stages of the lexicographical process and the type of information that should be considered for various types of dictionary (Vargas Sierra 2008). We explain how the corpus is designed according to the type of dictionary (monolingual or bilingual, specialized, ideological, phraseological, dialectal, etc.) and the necessary computer techniques and tools selected (Mairal-Usón y Fuertes-Olivera 2016). We then describe, for each stage, the computer tools and techniques currently available for the different types of dictionaries. The first stage, focused on management, includes the documentation or identification and registration of the different sources of information, and involves the creation of different databases. These could contain factual or bibliographic information, linguistic resources and text data (for example, dictionaries, terminologies, thesauri and, above all, corpora). The second stage includes the constitution of the corpus, indexing, extraction of data and elaboration of files, obtaining of the definitions and lexical relations, the grammatical or pragmatic information, and the examples or contexts of use (Sierra et al. 2017). The third stage is more oriented to the edition and publication of results, either through printed or electronic dictionaries. Finally, we consider some of the limitations of IT in lexicographical works that still need to be overcome. We show how computer tools can be used to significantly reduce the time needed to process lexicographical data and so make creation of dictionaries more agile. © 2024, Sergi Torner, Paz Battaner and Irene Renau. All rights reserved.

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