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Título del libro: Soil And Drought: Basic Processes
Título del capítulo: Managing Drought Stress in Agro-Ecosystems of Latin America and the Caribbean Region

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Despite the countless possibilities of coexistence with droughts, the focus in this chapter is on the management of agroecosystems, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) drylands, seeking to highlight management practices and systems that have the potential to accumulate carbon in soil and improve storage and the use efficiency of water. Additionally, the chapter also addresses aspects related to climate change and water security in LAC, because these are matters directly linked to managing drought stress in agroecosystems. Innovation in financing is mandatory to achieve sustainable water security in LAC drylands. The semiarid region of Brazil is the focus of the case studies presented in the chapter, considering the diversity of agricultural systems as the main adapted strategy for the management of stresses caused by drought. Despite all the benefits, the adoption of these agricultural management systems or practices still faces several barriers. © 2024 selection and editorial matter, Rattan Lal; individual chapters, the contributors.

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