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Título del libro: Forced Migration Across Mexico: Organized Violence, Migrant Struggles, And Life Trajectories
Título del capítulo: Entanglement of violences: Doubly forced migrants transiting across the Americas

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Though the number of Central Americans migrating to Mexico and the US in search of international protection has multiplied by the thousands, they are not the only ones transiting the Central America-Mexico migratory corridor. In the past decade, African, South American, and Caribbean migrants with embodied experiences of forced migration also crossed this same corridor. Based on ethnographic material and by contrasting the trajectories of five migrants from Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Togo, and Cameroon, this chapter analyzes how an entanglement of violences is increasingly producing what we call doubly forced migrations across certain South American countries of those who head to the US via the Central American-Mexico corridor. Our migrant-centered approach suggests a double experience of forced migration, which exacerbates their dispossession of protection and rights but increases their apprenticeship of resistance strategies en route. Our contrasting analytical focus will discuss (1) the overlapping forms of violence that provoke those doubly forced transits; (2) the double dispossession of protection in both origin and transit states; and (3) the waiting times and spaces that make up these double-forced mobilities conceived as highly productive moments to develop forms of migrant resistance as the only way to preserve migrant lives. We conclude with a final reflection regarding the analytical and political challenges this complex experience poses for contemporary critical scholarship on refugee and migration studies across the Americas. © 2024 selection and editorial matter, Ximena Alba Villalever, Stephanie Schütze, Ludger Pries, and Oscar Calderón Morillón; individual chapters, the contributors.

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