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Título del libro: Policing & Firearms: New Perspectives And Insights
Título del capítulo: Direct and indirect militarization of public security in Mexico and gun use during arrests

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Armed forces; Arrests; Guns; Militarization; Police; Use of force


In Mexico, there has been some analysis of the involvement of the military in law enforcement, its impact on violent crime, and patterns of human rights violations. But no authors have yet studied whether there are differences between the use of guns in daily operations by police and the military. Nor has there been an analysis of whether the militarization of the police increases the use of firearms. Based on data on the use of guns during arrests by the police and armed forces, drawn from the National Survey of the Population Deprived of Liberty (ENPOL, 2016), in this chapter we address both questions. Through binomial logistical models we show that the use of firearms is more frequent by members of the Army and Marines than by local police, although with some significant nuances. Furthermore, several investigations have pointed to the incorporation of high-ranking military officers into the upper ranks of police organizations as an indicator of their militarization. The results of binomial logistical models show that police who are led by military officers are more inclined to use guns during arrests than those led by civilians. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. All rights reserved.

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