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Título del libro: Monumental Earthen Architecture In Early Societies: Technology And Power Display Proceedings Of The Xvii Uispp World Congress (1-7 September, Burgos, Spain): Volume 2 / Session B3
Título del capítulo: Political and technological significance of the monumental earthen architecture of La Joya, on the tropical gulf coast of Mexico

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:


Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Adobe; Human sacrifice; Mesoamerican archaeology; Veracruz


Recent investigations at one of the thousands of pre-Columbian mounded sites along the southern Gulf coast of Mexico demonstrate the development of monumental urban constructions made of raw earth, using innovative building techniques and associated with lavish consecration deposits. The emergence of this architecture has to be understood within the context of a complex, probably state-level society, in terms of its cultural antecedents, the degree of expert knowledge, amount of labour input required, and the ideological and ritual programs by which the artificially created spaces were sacralized. © Archaeopress, UISPP and authors 2016.

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