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Título del libro: International Banking In Global Perspective
Título del capítulo: International banking in emerging countries: Latin America in the 21st century

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:

A key feature of the globalisation and internationalisation period in Latin America has been the presence of multinational banks. In this chapter, we want to understand the reasons that these corporations moved to this part of the world. The clues to this discussion can be found in the structural changes that took place in the financial system as a result of financial capital domination and complex financial relations. These changes underwent different phases, spanning from globalisation and internationalisation to the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis. In this context, we want to explore how these changes impacted the behaviour of financial and non-financial corporations in developed, developing, and emerging countries. Additionally, we want to determine whether the 2008 global financial crises affected multinational bank operations in developed, developing, and emerging economies in the same way. © 2024 selection and editorial matter, Carmela D'Avino and Mimoza Shabani; individual chapters, the contributors.

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