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Título del libro: 21st International Conference On Science And Technology Indicators (sti 2016)
Título del capítulo: Indicators of the Knowledge based Society: Comparison between European and Latin American countries

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There has been a great deal of attention paid to measuring Information Society developments. Therehave been efforts to develop new statistics and systems of indicators to measure the diffusion of new information technologies in business and to examine levels of use and styles of use (e.g. e-Commerce). These efforts are ongoing and provide valuable material with which to compare different countries, regions and industrial sectors. Other features of the Knowledge based Society have also attracted a great deal of attention. Indicators are an important instrument for monitoring the dynamics of the Knowledge based Society and to generate information for better policy interventions. In this sense, the main purpose of our research has been to understand the differences between European and Latin American countries in accomplishing their strategies and policies to access to what is called the Knowledge based Society. The central focus of our work was the assessment of the need for an improvement of Knowledge Society indicators and for statistical capacity building in order to capture the dynamics of the Knowledge Society in LAC countries and to make them comparable to EU and OECD standards. For doing so, we have chosen three different approaches. The approach was to analyze the use of indicators, mainly based on the OCDE and World Bank methodologies, which are supposed to show the building of knowledge capacity of societies. The first section provides an overview on existing Knowledge Society indicators by carrying out a review of the current status of Knowledge Society statistics in some LAC countries. Besides the differences shown between the European countries and the LAC ones, we also identify the gaps in the construction of indicators amongst the Latina American countries.

Entidades citadas de la UNAM: