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Título del libro: Eurocorr 2017 - The Annual Congress Of The European Federation Of Corrosion, 20th International Corrosion Congress And Process Safety Congress 2017
Título del capítulo: Effect of relative humidity on the atmospheric corrosion in silver by electrochemical noise and recursive analysis

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Palabras clave:

Atmospheric corrosion; Atmospheric humidity; Binary alloys; Conservation; Copper alloys; Corrosion rate; Electrochemical corrosion; Localized corrosion; Silver; Silver alloys; Sulfur compounds; Transients; Accelerated corrosion process; Corrosion process; Electrochemical noise; Higher relative humidity; Noise resistance; Recurrence plot; Recursive analysis; Tarnishing; Copper corrosion


The effects of relative humidity and sulphides on the corrosion of silver were studied by electrochemical noise in order to understand the atmospheric corrosion process. Ag-Cu alloys (0.925, 0.800) were exposed to different relative humidity and subjected to accelerated corrosion process showing localised and mixed corrosion processes, respectively. The electrochemical noise data were analysed using statistical and recurrence plots. The noise resistance and corrosion rate showed increased and decreased, respectively, when silver alloys were exposed in sulphides to higher relative humidity. The current trace showed bidirectional transients currents, which is associated with localised corrosion, and the intensity of these depended upon the relative humidity as well as the sulphides. The bidirectional transients potential were presented specifically to higher relative humidity and in the presence of sulphides. The increased in the percentage of determinism and percentage of recurrence were in the mixed corrosion process and the current time-series show greater amplitude and higher periodicity patterns that inducing a more deterministic corrosion process dynamics in silver alloys. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. All rights reserved.

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