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Título del libro: Funds Of Knowledge And Identity Pedagogies For Social Justice: International Perspectives And Praxis From Communities, Classrooms, And Curriculum
Título del capítulo: New normality and social justice: Exploring funds of identity in Mexican students during the COVID-19 pandemic

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The COVID-19 pandemic forced students to move from face-to-face education to a condition of confinement and emergency remote education, associated with other dynamics of pedagogical mediation through digital cultural artifacts. At the same time, it entailed the rupture of everyday life, as well as a change of sociocultural and educational practices that configured a new educational normality. To understand the complexity of this process of change at the subjective and intersubjective levels, it is necessary to analyze the pandemic experience from the perspective of social justice and the transformation of the funds of identity of different groups of students. Through a qualitative participatory action research study, in which the photovoice strategy (participatory photography and narrative in a target population) was used, the pandemic experience and the manifestations of the new normality in Mexican primary, secondary, and high school students were investigated: Primary and secondary school children who said they were ?bored?; university students who found it difficult to continue their learning trajectories; young female students who had to start working and undertake informal businesses in order to cope with the economic precariousness; children and young people who showed emotional malaise and looked for resilient alternatives; human beings who got sick or are dealing with mourning. The categories of the funds of identity model showed an interesting heuristic potential, as they made it possible to account for the identity changes and emerging conditions faced by the students who participated in different photovoice projects between 2020 and 2021. The chapter illustrates voices and images captured by the participating students, which reveal the transformation of their territorial backgrounds from physical to immaterial settings, the presence or absence of support networks, the challenge of appropriating new cultural artifacts to learn and communicate in the pandemic, the new identity practices, as well as their reaction to the presence of institutional discourses and regulations that seek to institutionalize this new reality. Some educational and social implications of the study are discussed within the framework of inequality and social injustice that are magnified in the current conditions of Mexican students. © 2024 selection and editorial matter, Moises Esteban-Guitart; individual chapters, the contributors.

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