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Título del libro: Identification Of Neural Markers Accompanying Memory
Título del capítulo: Protein Synthesis and Memory: A Word of Caution. A Word of Caution

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Palabras clave:

Amnesia; Long-term memory; Memory consolidation; Overtraining; Protein synthesis


The first experimental evidences supporting the hypothesis that memory consolidation is dependent upon protein synthesis became available in the early 1960's. This gave way to a plethora of publications that replicated the original findings: administration of protein synthesis inhibitors immediately prior to, or after a learning experience leads to a profound deficit in consolidation. This effect was obtained with different protein synthesis inhibitors, in many learning tasks, where both invertebrates, such as flies, earthworm and mollusks, and vertebrates, such as mammals, birds, and fish, were used as experimental subjects. Thus, it seemed that we were facing strong theoretical and experimental foundations upon which the search for the intimate bases of memory formation could be based. Along the way, however, came into view findings which did not fit the hypothesis. Under certain experimental conditions, systemic administration of PSIs that produce strong inhibition of protein synthesis did not impede long-term memory formation, or they induce an amnestic state that is followed by recovery of memory when "reminder" stimuli, an ample variety of stimulant drugs, and extended training are given. Also, recent evidences show that administration of anisomycin (ANI), a protein synthesis inhibitor, into the amygdala and hippocampus induces massive release of neurotransmitters in these structures, as well as a drastic reduction of spontaneous slow-wave activity and of multiunit activity in the hippocampus, thus indicating that ANI (and very probably other PSIs as well) besides inhibiting protein synthesis, produces drastic abnormalities that render the machinery of memory production incapable of performing any integrative activity thought to be necessary for memory formation. It has also been shown that long-term memory is formed in spite of administration of PSIs to animals that are subjected to intense aversive stimulation. This review emphasizes the need to look for new hypothesis to guide the research on the neurobiology of memory consolidation. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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